Florida Keys PERMIT
Prepare for one of the most exciting fish that the Florida Keys have to offer. The lower keys flats provide some of the best permit fishing in the world. Whether pursuing these fish with spinning gear baited with a small blue crab or fly gear with crab patterns- these fish are sure to thrill. The challenge and the fight of a permit can not be matched. With lightening runs permit can easily strip off 100 yards of line in the blink of an eye. The average size of the Florida Keys permit is typically 10-20 lbs, with 20+ lbs being not uncommon. The pursuit of permit will take us from shallow flats for tailing fish to flat edges where they cruise looking for their next meal. Permit are truly one of my favorite fish to pursue on the flats- nothing fights like a permit!
Best Times for PERMIT
February, March, April, September, October
Although permit can be caught year around on the flats of the Florida Keys, my favorite months are February, March, April, September and October, with the pre-spawn months of February, March and April being especially good.

Florida Keys BONEFISH
Fishing for bonefish is a sight fisherman's dream. Nicknamed the grey ghost of the flats this fish has earned it's reputation with it's ability to appear and vanish before your eyes.

Florida Keys TARPON
Although tarpon can be caught year round in the Florida Keys, we are blessed with an annual spring tarpon migration. Anglers from all over the world converge on the Florida Keys to catch the fish of a lifetime.

Although sight fishing the flats for bone fish, permit, tarpon, barracuda, and sharks is what I primarily do; there are situations where some of our other backcountry species can be targeted.

Flats and Backcountry fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit

Flats and Backcountry fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit

Flats and Backcountry Fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit

Flats and Backcountry Fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit

Flats and Backcountry Fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit

Flats and Backcountry fishing in the Lower Florida Keys for Permit